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Signup Troubleshooting

I can't sign up for a membership!

There are several major reasons why you may have trouble signing up.

Invalid Username

One of the main reasons you may receive an "Invalid Username" error message is when a selected username contains illegal characters like %, & and etc. Please make sure you use only letters and numbers in your username and password.

If you still receiving an "Invalid Username" error message and you are sure that your username and password contain only letters and numbers, then there is the possibility that selected by you username is already used by someone else. Please try different username.

If you still want to use the selected by you username despite the fact that it is already used by someone, contact us at
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and we will check whether this username could be freed for you.

Invalid Email

One of the main reasons you may receive an "Invalid Email" error message is when a selected username contains illegal characters like %, & and etc. Please make entered email address does not contains white spaces and typos.

If you still receiving an "Invalid Email" error message, then there is the possibility that you were subscribed to one of our services in the past. In this case you may try different email address or contact us at
Customer Support
and we will check whether we have your email address is in our records and we will send you customized link to subscribe to the service.

Declined Payment

One of the main reasons of payment decline is that your credit card provider blocks transaction for a security reasons. In this case you have to contact your credit card provider and solve this issue with them. See below some of the possible security reasons by which your credit card provider may block an online transaction:

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact our technical support staff

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